Category Archives: Business

Diaspora Investments Documentary

This documentary on the impact of Diaspora investments in Kosovo includes interviews with the Minister of Diaspora of Kosovo, the Minister of MTI, the executive director of The American Chamber of Commerce, the Chief Executive Officer of IPAK, as well as five businesses that are flourishing in Kosovo’s market as a result of direct investments by the diaspora.

The 21 minute documentary highlights the role that the diaspora plays in Kosovo’s economy, and the potential that it has to facilitate its growth and development, furthermore, it shares insight into the challenges and opportunities that actual investing companies have faced throughout the years. Without a doubt, such investments bring about a lot more than money; they bring experience, knowledge and hope. Each business gives a glimpse into the unique story of the founder, how the idea started, and the personalized path to success and how other people could follow

Engaging Diaspora for Sustainable Economic Development

The DEED project is an innovative initiative for enabling the Kosovo diaspora to take an active and effective role as development agents in their communities of origin. 

Their current project aims to especially encourage women-led remittance-receiving households to become start-up entrepreneurs as well as to expand existing businesses owned by remittance-recipient families to create or expand their business by developing a business plan and operationalizing a small business with the seed money in the form of small grants.

Therefore during the upcoming months DEED will focus on knowledge-based action in order to achieve the set objectives. In order to promote diaspora engagement in economic development in Kosovo, DEED project will continued to work with the EU funded Regional Development Agency (RDA) – South and RDA North, to implement a grant-scheme of 47.000 euro in Municipalities covered under these two RDAs.

To learn more about DEED project and different ways to get involved please visit their webpage HERE

The Kosovar Diaspora Business Union

On 18th of June 2014, the workshop on setting the Diaspora Business Union had concluded its works by selecting the heads of the unions of USA, Europe, and Canada. Businessmen from the worldwide diaspora have once again, in coordination with the Ministry of Diaspora, expressed their will and dedication in fostering economic development. 

At the event, the heads of business networks from Europe, USA and Canada, signed a Solemn Declaration on the Founding of the Union of All Albanian Diaspora Network:

– The president of the Diaspora Union of Businesses, chosen by votes is Mr. Nazar Mehmeti.

– Vice president for the North American Branch, Mr. Elmi Berisha. For Europe, the delegation chose Mr. Yll Blakaj.

Minister of Diaspora, Mr. Ibrahim Makolli, congratulated the representatives for their work and dedication; he also added that this is a truly important project for the development of Kosovo. Mr. Makolli thanked the institutions of Republic of Kosovo, International Organizations and businesses from Diaspora, all agents that have been important on creating the union.

The representatives from Diaspora businesses continued their visit in Rahovec, Gjilan and Gjakova where they met with the mayors of each city. Throughout these meetings, they discussed for different methods of cooperation; the municipalities expressed keen interest in offering infrastructural support on business creation as well as promised assistance in fostering proper business environment.

The original article was posted at – Click here to read the original article.

Miranda Ademaj: A Fearless Dreamer and Financier

A former immigrant, fashion model, and adventurous world backpack traveler, Miranda Ademaj is making her mark as a global financier operating from Switzerland.

Born in a southern town of Kosovo, Shtime, prior to the reign of the infamous Milosevic and his henchmen, Miranda ended up with an eventful yet dangerous childhood.  Faced with uncertainty and seeking a better and safer life, Miranda’s parents illegally escaped to Germany when she was only 10 years old.  All left behind, Ademaj family started from scratch. Miranda had to learn a new language, make new friends, and adapt to a new culture in her new and safe home in Germany.

Later on, the sluggish German economy drove Miranda to Switzerland where she studied and worked with financial companies, including BrunnerInvest AG, Sallfort Privatbank, and Credit Suisse. During this time, Miranda found some time for modelling, which allowed her to envision her life in various roles.

In spite of the hard won successes, Miranda felt she was missing out on something very important – her [lost] youth. Upon realizing the toll of her achievements, Miranda let go of her existing world built in three different places and cultures—Kosovo, Germany, and Switzerland— and with a tiny suitcase embarked on a life changing experience as a backpack traveler around the world for a year.  These blissful voyages offered her a great opportunity to learn more about others while nurturing and strengthening her dream to become a CEO of an investment company.

Drawing from her vast financial experiences and connections, endless drive, ambition and self-discovery, in 2013 Miranda brought to life a multi-million USD hedge investment fund Skënderbeg Alternative Investments AG, where she serves as the CEO and Chairwoman. The company draws its name and mission from Albanian freedom fighter Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeg, based on the following attributes: Independence, Dedication, and Superiority.

While Miranda continues to make her mark as a global financier, she will serve as a great inspiration to many other women around the world, who are eager to unleash their potential and fearlessly chase their dreams. To learn more about Miranda please see her speech about “The multiple faces of uncertainty” at TEDxTirana event entitled “Blissful Uncertainty?!”

The 21 year-old Albanian wins 1.5 million dollars in lottery

Euglen Muslli is 21 year-old and still lives with his parents in Brooklyn, New York who last week won 1.5 million dollars in lottery.

“Many people talk about the American Dream, but I’m living it for real right now,” said Euglen Muslli, who emigrated from Albania in the U.S., only six years ago. After having a haircut on May 19, while walking near a point of sale of the lottery tickets he stopped to buy a ticket.

“When I found out I won I was shocked and now I really do not know what to do,” he said to the American media.

Muslli who won 1.5 million dollars, in his bank account will have receive a net1.18 million dollars; the remainder will go for taxes, writes “”.

“I want to keep on working,” said the young fortunate. “Down the road, I want to open an Italian restaurant. I love the Italian food.”

The original article was posted at – Click here to read the original article.

Bedair Jashari, the man who tailored away to the riches!

Mr. Jashari arrived in the United States in 1999 with a total of 20 dollars in his pocket. Now, among his clients are names of famous starts and athletes. Just like the thousands of dream-chasers, Mr. Jashari had come to the United States with the ambition of making use of his talent. His ambition and hard-work had finally paid off when he joined the “Bhambi’s”  tailoring house, a well known tailor shop among the elites of Manhattan. 

Bedair Jashari had arrived in Brooklyn,NY on the year of 1999. With two children and a pregnant wife, Bedair had decided to take a good look at his last 20 dollars and make a decision. Had initially been hosted by his uncle, whom he constantly praises and is grateful for the help. Bedair had been taking all the possible jobs that he could handle, he had been working back to back shifts until his English finally caught up and enabled him to look for a more professional career.

“Initially, I was very eager to start working as a designer or tailor, however, my lack of English had made it nearly impossible for companies to even consider my applications. I had sent hundreds of applications, without an answer. Years later, I decided to give it another shot and here I am. Today I work as a classic suit designer and am very happy.”

” I am very thankful to God for the talent and ambition. Only through this talent have I made it here. My ambition was never personal, just like in the past, I constantly think of ways I could better my profession as well as help others” – explains Mr. Jashari.

The famous names among his customer are: former President Bill Clinton, Senator John McCain, Pierce Brosnan,Nicole Kidman, Hillary Duff, Calvin Klein, George Forman and many others. Mr. Jashari is convinced that attention to details and customer care are the keys to a successful business. “Attention to detail brings perfection in tailoring” M.Jashari.

The original article was posted at – Click here to read the original article.

Life of Albanian lawyer Ylber Dauti in NY

Ylber Dauti, a lawyer, is among the most successful Albanian young advocates in America and Europe. His name has been frequently seen in the U.S. and Albanian media. He is frequently selected by “Verdict Search Report & New York Law Journal” for excellent records. Lawyer Dauti has won numerous cases on legal issues of a few million dollars. Therefore, he is classified as “the millionaire lawyer”.

In the list of his victories, sensational issues that have dictated to change even the state laws were recorded. But, which are the latest victories of the lawyer? In this article we will introduce: the victory with a seven-figure of an Albanian client a few weeks ago, the victory of a delicate issue with two Albanian children who as adults will find themselves being multimillionaires; maximum victory with an American client who became a millionaire; the latest involvement in the “Verdict Search Report and the New York Law Journal”; and the meeting with George Soros where he was assigned to give him a special award. How he felt when he lost the first court battle ten years ago? What emotions he experiences after a prolonged legal battle? Why does he recommend to his clients the saying of Mark Twain, the same located in a conspicuous place of his office: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”?

The latest news from “The Daut Law, PC” legal office of the Albanian lawyer is a trial that ended a few weeks ago in New York. His client was an Albanian born and raised in America. The lawyer says that the jury selection was a coincidence; one of the selected members was of Albanian origin, who came in the U.S. 20 years ago. This was unusual in 10 years of experience of Dauti. This coincidence made him happy, as he thought that he himself as an Albanian lawyer and his Albanian client would feel better since there would be an affinity, but the feeling quickly dissipated; the selected Albanian jury member resigned due to his weak English. However the trial continued with another selection and the question ended positively. The Albanian client came satisfied from defense of the lawyer Dauti, not only due to the amount of compensation with seven figures he won, but also with professionalism and ethics of Mr. Dauti.

Lawyer Dauti has worked hard to protect children. Nights, weeks and months until he succeeded; he proved so reliably that the other side was to blame for the accident. Alongside other evidence, he managed to convince the opposing party through the testimony of two experts: a child psychologist and a civil engineer. The judge was shocked from the compensation amount of the issue and stated that “she had never seen or heard that such a great amount o was given in a case like this, because – according to her – injuries were so minor.” How much was the amount of compensation? The lawyer does not give figures, but repeats what his clients have written in a public letter published in “the Sun” that: “When the children grow up they will realize that they are multimillionaires…”
“But I would like to add, the lawyer says,  “especially one of them will have a lot of millions and probably won’t need to work at all during his life – of course he doesn’t have to work, but I would not suggest such a thing at all.”

Lawyer Dauti was also highly appreciated in a public letter from another client, Joseph Kramer, which he published in “Dielli” magazine in February 2013. Thanks to Dauti’s legal office, Kramer won the biggest judicial remuneration for 2012 in the state of New York. Also, Dauti holds a record of “Verdict Search Report & New York Law Journal” for winning the “premises liability” twice for the biggest amount earned in a judicial case in the New York state. Ylber Dauti is also the first Albanian lawyer being a member of “Million/Multimillion Dollar Advocates Forum”.

The original article was posted at – Click here to read the original article.

From Busboy to Restaurant Owners in two US cities

Russ, Jack and Jeff Sinanaj are the trio behnd the successful mini-restaurant empire with over 200 employees in New York City and Arizona.

The brothers grew up in Montenegro and Russ Sinanaj was the first to come to the US followed by Jack and then Jeff. The brothers went through a lot, starting off as dishwashers at a pizzeria and working their way up to waiters at the Peter Luger Steak House. The brothers found their inspiration and passion while working at the restaurant. The road to success has not been easy but hard work and determination finally paid off and in 2005 Russ and Jack opened up their own restaurant along with two of their cousins – the Ben and Jack’s Steak House on E. 44th St, followed by four more restaurants, one in Arizona and three in Manhattan.

In an interview for the Jack Sinanaj said “I am lucky. I guess it’s about hard work and believing in your dreams.”

The brothers managed to gather $1.2 million when Jeff Sinanaj found a location for the restaurant, the E. 44th St. since he was working as a real estate broker at the time. They started hiring staff including the grill man that worked at Peter Luger and opened up The Ben and Jack’s Steak House. It did not take long before the restaurant got good reviews and became a hot stop for diners.

First Albanian Deputy in Belgium: Gjanaj

Amet Gjanaj won a seat in the Belgian Federal Parliament as part of the Socialist list. He is also Municipal Councilor of Molenbeek Commune, the President of the Cultural Association “AlbaBel” and the President of the Albanian Businessmen’s Association in Benelux. Gjanaj was born in 1968 and he is from Kukes, Albania. During the European Elections of this year, he was the candidate from the Socialist Party.

Amet is constantly committed to Albanian emigrants question and diversity values in Belgium. His slogan during National Elections was “The Economy in the service of citizens!” Laurette Onkelinx, the Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health in the Belgian federal government has a great appreciation for him, too. In 2009 elections, Gjanaj remained outside the Parliament because of 160 votes only, gathering 2853 votes.

After years of being involved in politics on local and regional levels, the Albanian politician finally won a seat in the Federal Parliament of Belgium. It is the first time that the Albanian community will be represented through a deputy in the Bruxelles Parliament. He will begin in September Amet Gjanaj of Kukes origin is expected to make an oath at the start of the new legislature.

“The fact that I won this seat is a miracle. I was the last candidate that reached the quota to enter the Parliament and this happened only because of a 10-votes difference. I gained 3380 votes, while the other candidate gained 3370 votes. It will be a novelty that our community will receive subventions from the Belgian state because of the influence of a deputy of Albanian origin”, noted Gjanaj for “Top Channel” television.

Belgian outdated information system crashed Sunday midnight, when the country was organizing, for the first time, regional, federal and European elections in a single day.

Belgian Interior Ministry, which manages the regional elections, formally published results but their certification, as Gjanaj said, is blocked by the Electoral Commission because of the appeal of a right-wing candidate of Turkish origin.

“A commissioner, apparently associated with this candidate, refuses to sign the record. Namely, things that we have seen in Albania are now taking place in Belgium, which is a novelty,” says Gjanaj.

Two other Albanian candidates who competed for the right wing lost in the regional battle. Elona Zhana from Tropoja got only 510 votes for CDH, while Burim Demiri from Kumanova got 1,125 votes for the Federation of the Francophonie, strengthening his position in the party, writes “T.Ch.”.

The original article was posted at – Click here to read the original article.

Three day Forum on Diaspora Business

Three day Forum on Diaspora Business

A forum on establishing a Business Union among the diaspora has begun on Friday. The forum is being held in Prishtina and will last for three days. Organized by the Diaspora Ministry as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry, with support of UNDP and IOM. The aim of the forum is the creation of an all-encompassing Union of Kosovar Diaspora Businesses in Europe and USA. 

Among important figures taking part at the forum are: Ibrahim Makolli (Minister of Diaspora), Bernard Nikaj (Minister of Trade and Industry), Shpend Ahmeti (Mayor of Prishtina), Vesa Kotlainen (Finish Embassy). As part of forum activity, there are visits by diaspora business network delegations from other municipalities. Furthermore, there are delegations from diaspora networks from Kosovo, Albania, Presheva Valley, Montenegro and Macedonia.

It is noteworthy to mention that Mr. Behgjet Pacolli’s involvement and opinion on the matter. “We would want to organize the Albanians around the globe, network all their businesses into a Union that would help on revitalizing Kosovo and the nation as whole.”

The original article was posted at Click here to read the original article.