“Fluturimi…” at the prestigious Italian festival Vie Modena

By: Fitim Salihu    October 26, 2014

The comedy from Kosovo was presented to the Italian audience in Castelfranco Emilia Teatro Dada. The political satire by Jeton Neziraj, Flight over the Kosovo Theater (“Fluturimi mbi teatrin e Kosovës”) was presented on the 17th and 18th of October at the prestigious Italian festival Vie Modena which opened on the 9th October and will last until October 25th. 20141015132218534600 In this interpretation, the influence of politics in art and glorification of government come to an ironic format, with actors who constantly play with the idea of the state and the politics of Kosovo, which comes with empty words, though many claims. After Italy, the comedy has lined up performances at the “Demoludy” festival of Poland and Schlachthaus in Switzerland.

Fitim Salihu

Fitim Salihu holds a bachelor degree from University of Prishitna in Political Science. Currently resides in Gjilan, and is a freelance contributor at KosovoDiaspora.org. He led the student organization named “ "Students Political Club" and is an active member of civil society in Gjilan.

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