KosovoDiaspora.org at the Gjilan Regional Fair

By: Kosovo Diaspora    August 4, 2014

August in Gjilan has begun with the Regional Product Fair. Amongst the fruits, pastries, drinks and bicycles, the people passing through the fair could find our kosovodiaspora.org table. Liza Gashi, Valon Xoxa and  Roberto Cancel (from IOM) were there to inform on the past and future projects of the kosovodiaspora.org initiative.

Furthermore the team took the chance to utilize the far reach of the fair and inform as many people as possible on the Diaspora Registry Process initiated by the Ministry of Diaspora. If you have not had the chance to catch us at the fair, please check the https://www.kosovodiaspora.org/?page_id=537 for information on how to register. Kids, elderly, couples and groups of family members swung by our table to curiously check the leaflets and learn of the Diaspora Registry.


The fair was initially planned for the 1st of August, however due to bad weather, everything was moved to Saturday. Both the first and second day of the Regional Fair were followed up with evening concerts where crowds of people enjoyed music on the steps of the National Theatre.

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