Gulliver’s Travels

By: Flaka Ismaili    December 9, 2022

Gulliver’s Travels has it all, whether you’re looking for an adventure or philosophical reflections about contemporary society. The satirical, well-known novel was first published in 1726. The book continues to delight the readers.


A travelogue is defined as such. Gulliver’s travels is a book of literature written by Jonathan Swift. The novel recounts the experiences of English surgeon Lemuel Gulliver. In the course of the story, the author meets with various civilisations. He discovers through interactions with people from diverse cultures that every society has its own ethical standards for physical power. Also, he’s gained an appreciation for his experiences and how they influence his behaviour.

To travel the world and meet people from all over the world, he embarks on voyages. The book includes Lilliput and Brobdingnagg in the story. The book also introduces him to the Houyhnhnms and Blefuscu-ans. These interactions show that he’s capable of change his attitude.

Furthermore, he discovers that certain cultures do not suit him. For example, he is not appropriate for the Brobdingnags. They do not use their power physically often and think of him as an example. They don’t like the fact that he is knowledgeable about cannons. Also, he is not fit for Glubdubdrib. He defies the traditions that the Blefuscuans have.

He also finds that the Houyhnhnms are rational and have a benevolent society. They have the capacity to make a difference and are devoted to civility. Also, it explains how Lilliputians were enlightened. By helping the Lilliputians when they were fighting their foes, they become one of their friends.

The Struldbruggs are part of the Luggnagg group. They’ve got a mark across the left side of their eyebrows and believe in immortality. They throw stones at rebellious towns.

In his last trip, the photographer shows an infuriating image of Yahoos. Yahoos. They are the “old race”, he refers to them. He’s not capable of coping with every civilization that he comes across.

He is married to Mary Burton in England when he returns home.


Gulliver’s travels, more than four hundred years old since its original publication is still considered to be one of the most popular adventures for children. The work of humour has more to offer than the story of a child. It is possible to trace the format of the book to some of the most important categories of the political philosophy of Plato.

In this article, I will compare the structure of Gulliver’s Travels alongside other fictional voyages. They often conclude abruptly in a way that is among the most characteristic features. The style of their narratives is often quite similar to 18th-century published works. This demonstrates the artificiality in the storylines.

Gulliver’s Travels doesn’t conclude with a book, unlike others fictional journeys. The text is not an attempt to mock any other imaginary journeys. The text instead follows the story of Lemuel Gulliver.

The author of the original version, Jonathan Swift, was the son of a scholar and priest. The text was composed by Swift to satirize the world by parodying popular travelogues of his time. He also mocks the traditional English value system. His work is a result of his opposition to the established institutions of his day.

Similar to other imagined voyages Gulliver’s adventures reflect the beliefs that the writers. These range from deism to rationalism. Some authors even rewrite the same narrative path to satisfy the needs of their readers.

Additionally, in addition to the use in a frank manner, Gulliver’s Travels includes the usage of indigenous languages. Swift brings humor to the novel by using local language.

The novel is divided into four stories. Within each one of these travels, Gulliver encounters a variety of places and people. These include the island of Glubbdubdrib the island that is home to by sorcerers and ghosts of the past. It is situated southwest of Balnibarbi. It is the home of the Lilliput the Lilliput, a small number of residents.


In the late seventeenth and early nineteenth century, shipwrecks became a common theme in the literature of the time. Fictional writers were attracted to shipwrecks because of their dramatic and sometimes tragic aspect. Shipwrecks served as inspiration to creators, while also being the basis for stories.

Gulliver’s Travels In the novel, Lemuel Gulliver was the captain on an merchant ship. His vessel was damaged by an at-se hurricane. Then, he was washed up on an abandoned island in India and that became the setting of his novel.

He meets with the Lilliputians who are a small island population. These Lilliputians are a kingdom dedicated in the field of arts. Laputa is their ruler. Gulliver is made a member the Lilliputians’ royal court during the course of the novel. His misadventures become more harrowing in the course of the novel.

Gulliver travels to Glubbdubdrib in the second half of the story. Gulliver is introduced to a wizard that is able to use magic, as well as supernatural abilities. A researcher also appears on the island. He is trying to create food from human waste. He manages to get away with it until he’s beset by those living on the island. This mad scientist confronts him, who performs horrible experiments on human beings.

Gulliver later is saved Gulliver is then rescued by Laputa the flying island. Then, he is taken to the nation of Maldonada. The man who hosts him tells him Maldonada’s citizens are following the guidelines of the learned academy located in the city. Then, he is granted the right to travel the country. After that, he travels to Luggnagg. He becomes an admirer for the Houyhnhnms.

He is also back on the sea as a merchant captain. In the Lilliput Royal Court, he is a favorite. He is unhappy at the job and would like returning to the ocean. He eventually returns to England.

Attitude towards women

Beyond the obvious motives in Jonathan Swift’s stance on ladies in Gulliver’s Travels is the source of some controversy. The novel is a satirical look at Augustan society. It focuses on the administration, art and education. The tale is divided in two sections. Gulliver appears to be a detached person during the beginning of the novel. The second part of the book Gulliver is able to be more close with his female companions. But, he’s less than thrilled by their sexual prowess.

The book Swift will not be reticent in his description of female body parts. Swift describes mothers who nurse as beings that resemble animals. He makes use of this to create an illustration of the flaws in his character. Additionally, he is a victim of concerns with other humans. He did not appreciate the body of others, which is the reason why he treated women badly.

Swift’s attitudes towards women during Gulliver’s adventures are particularly fascinating because they were not only limited to one writer’s work. The topic was featured in numerous books. A few of them were written by his peers, such as William Congreve and Mycroft. Some were written by those who admired him, but they had to take his word.

Swift’s thoughts on women’s rights can be viewed as a bit skewed which is perhaps one of the biggest lessons. But, there’s no way to prove that Swift was a misogynist , in the sense of the word. The motivation behind his views was primarily fueled through his interactions with his mother, who died shortly before his birth. In addition, his aversion to religiosity was an element. It was also a factor that prevented him from getting the position he wanted in the Anglican Church however, and was instead placed in one of the smaller parishes near Belfast.

Satire from British political and cultural life

All through British history there has been many sources for satire. It was used as a way to show the weaknesses of political and cultural institutions beginning from Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages until the early Modern Period. During the Victorian period there were numerous comical newspapers fighting for public attention.

Aristophanes’ Old Comedy is considered as the source of satire. His plays are renowned by their hilarious style and the criticisms of powerful people. He criticized Cleon who was a cruel and ruthless tyrant, in his The Knights. The Knights. The style was accepted by Greek comedian-turned-actress Menander.

The 17th century was the first satire explosion in Britain. Many poems were created to ridicule every target. The UK gained a reputation during this period as “The The Sick Man of Europe”. Also, it was known for its humor, which was derived from images of blackface as well as racist stereotypes.

The golden age for wit in 18th-century. Aristophanes is famous for his political humor. Daniel Defoe is best known for The False-Born Britishman. The writer also wrote journalistic satire.

A small group of British comedians created satires that focused on the subject of class and class during the 18th and 19th centuries. They were featured in journals like Private Eye. The authors wrote about classes, the nature of war, and the significance of the philosophy of language. These authors earned international and national fame.

In the first half of the modern era there was a small number of males of white descent often received Oxbridge qualifications. They composed a range of humor and criticized extremist political views. Their ideology was post-imperial. Their work was often cited in magazines such as Oxford Review.

A new age of political humor came into existence in England at the arrival in 1689. William of Orange in 1689. They immediately responded to current events.