Diaspora Education A Priority for Minister Murati

By: Valon Xoxa    January 21, 2015

Additional Albanian language classes are set as a priority for the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Kosovo.

Minister Valon Murati proclaimed his ideas during a meeting held yesterday, 20th of January, with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Prishtina, Angelika Viets. Minister Murati and Ms. Viets discussed the possibility of deepening inter-institutional cooperation in various fields, with focus on the Kosovar Diaspora in Germany.

“Sending a message that Kosovo is ready for investments is crucial to attracting our business unions in Diaspora, which in turn will play an important role in building bridges of cooperation with strong companies in the countries where they operate,” highlighted Minister Murati.
“A well-integrated diaspora will also mean a better Kosovo overall. The image of the Republic of Kosovo will improve as the Federal Republic of Germany is willing to deepen its cooperation with your country, ” Ms. Viets said.

In the end, it was agreed that other meetings are to be held regularly, in order to identify all possible areas of cooperation for the good of Kosovo and it Diaspora in Germany.

You can check this news in Albanian here.

Valon Xoxa

Valon Xoxa is a staff member of Kosovodiaspora.org. He holds a bachelor degree from Westminster College (MO) in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology. Currently resides in Prishtina, and is a freelance contributor and editor at KosovoDiaspora.org. With an interest in contemporary culture, he seeks to find and incorporate articles from the Kosovar Diaspora that would shed light upon the interesting characteristics of this important global community. He has published a research article through UNDP’s School on Human Development titled “Mobility and Public Participation: A Case Study of the Kosovar Diaspora”, where a rather interesting Andersonian perspective is taken at understanding the Internet as a national identity creation medium.

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