Berlin School to soon be named after Refik Veseli

By: Valon Xoxa    January 27, 2014

A Berlin based elementary school will soon be named after an Albanian idealist. Starting from this semester, the doors will carry the label of Mr. Refik Veseli, a dedicated hero and activist, who bravely saved members of a Jewish family throughout the second world war.

As a 17 year old, Refik Veseli found the courage to give shelter to a Jewish family from Yugoslavia which had fled to Albania. Veseli had kept in touch with the family long after the war, thus , today him and many other citizens of Albanian origin are honored with the “Just Human” title from the Hebrew organisations that promote and preserve holocaust remembrance.

The original article was posted at Zeri. Click here to read the original article.

Valon Xoxa

Valon Xoxa is a staff member of He holds a bachelor degree from Westminster College (MO) in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology. Currently resides in Prishtina, and is a freelance contributor and editor at With an interest in contemporary culture, he seeks to find and incorporate articles from the Kosovar Diaspora that would shed light upon the interesting characteristics of this important global community. He has published a research article through UNDP’s School on Human Development titled “Mobility and Public Participation: A Case Study of the Kosovar Diaspora”, where a rather interesting Andersonian perspective is taken at understanding the Internet as a national identity creation medium.

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