Rita’s humanitarian voice

By: Valon Xoxa    June 14, 2014

Rita is from Prishtina and is set on a very noble mission. She has been performing in the streets of Switzerland and Germany as part of her senior year project in order to raise awareness on the Down Syndrome.

Rita Kastrati is only 17 but she has already taken concrete steps at changing the world. Her singing performances are solely dedicated to benefiting the “Down Syndrome Kosovo” project. The idea intends to better the miserable conditions of people living with the disease.

Rita alongside with Noah and Luca, have been performing for the second Saturday now in Switzerland. Last week they had been playing in the city of Wil and today they will be performing in the city of St. Gallen.

The band usually picks the crowded places and squares, so in case you hear some Albanian sounding tunes, remember that you might just be passing by Rita and her band. Recently, there have been an Italian, Albanian and a Swiss musicians who have joined the cause and are contributing for the better.

The original article was posted at Gazetaexpress.com – Click here to read the original article.

Valon Xoxa

Valon Xoxa is a staff member of Kosovodiaspora.org. He holds a bachelor degree from Westminster College (MO) in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology. Currently resides in Prishtina, and is a freelance contributor and editor at KosovoDiaspora.org. With an interest in contemporary culture, he seeks to find and incorporate articles from the Kosovar Diaspora that would shed light upon the interesting characteristics of this important global community. He has published a research article through UNDP’s School on Human Development titled “Mobility and Public Participation: A Case Study of the Kosovar Diaspora”, where a rather interesting Andersonian perspective is taken at understanding the Internet as a national identity creation medium.

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